We promise ...

We promise:

when we live our steps in our daily life and apply the other tools in all our inner and outer circumstances, we will find a new life.


We find a new freedom independent of the situations we face.

We find a new happiness and joy.

Our relations with others and with the world are fullfilling our needs and capacities. And we become an important part of the life of others.

We find a new stability and strength and become able to live a real creative life according to our own values and visions.

We come to know what success is in reality and how to apply this knowledge in our daily life.

We find a new and real connection to a Higher Power inside ourselves and in the outside world and feel guided, supported and promoted by the Almighty in all our ranges of life. By this we find a new gratitude and humility that comes from deep within us.

We come to know what unconditioned love is and become able to live it in our daily relations.


We can promise this, because we made these experiences in our lives, whenever living according to the steps and applying the tools.



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