
"We wann a be free ... free like a   bird"

We never have seen someone, who really   didn't want to be free ... and also we never have seen someone, who really feels free. And if we see ourselves? Same with each of us!!!

How is this possible? What is the reason behind?

The reason behind is very simple. There are ...

2 Types of Freedom

          a "negative" freedom; this is the "freedom of ..." and a "positive" freedom, the "freedom for ...". And if we mix up these both, we get confused and trapped and ... are not longer free! So let's see the difference of both and start understanding,why we become confused:

Negative " Freedom    

We all want to be free of or from pain, diseases, addictions, suppression, limitations, poverty and many many more things!!!!!!
Is there anything wrong in this? - No, absolutely not!!!! It is our nature and inborn human right!!!!!
So, why then we call it "negative"? We call it "negative" because this type of freedom is AGAINST something; we don't want this pain etc.!!! ... As a result of this, we start fighting against these topics - you only should see our modern languages: We FIGHT against cancer, we FIGHT against suppression, we FIGHT against poverty and ... and ... and ...
In this "negative" mode one of our oldest programs start: "fight or escape"; the only decision we have to take is: if we are strong enough to win the fight or if it is better to try to escape and run away. And this has to be done as fast as possible!!!! In our bodies adrenaline is set free and many physical and mental changes happen. Physicians call it stress. It is a pretty good and well proved program to survive f.e. in front of a tiger, a tsunami wave, an aggressor and such situations. It is an emergency program! 

"Positive" Freedom

We all want to be free for to enjoy life, being creative, taking time, meeting friends, building our future, learning, making holidays, deciding by our own, singing, dancing and many more things!!!!!

Is there anything wrong in this? - No, also absolutely not!!!! Also this is our nature and inborn human right!!!!!

So, why then we call it "positive"? We call it "positive" because this type of freedom is a freedom FOR something; we want this joy etc.!!! ... In this case we are planning, we relax, dream, listen or only do and enjoy something and ... and ... and ...

In this "positive" mode a total different of our old programs - than in "negative" freedom - starts: we take time and fill it with the thing we want. We are relaxed, in a positive mood, even many bodily and mental dis-eases are reduced sooner or later and physical, mental and social well-being (= WHO: definition of health) occurs. It is also a pretty good and well proved program for to live (for this see "life")

The problem starts, when we are using the wrong program. We can fight against poverty ... but we will not become rich with this program! We can fight against unemployment ... but we will not get a job with this program!
We easily can see this in politics worldwide: in nearly all countries we have a fight against corruption ... all politicians agree in this! But when they are elected, the same corruption goes on ... only with new faces!
This shows: The "fight program" doesn't fit for developing a new society, behavior etc. ... for this clarity, creativity, consensus etc. is needed. And this means, that we have to choose the other program (see "positive" freedom) for to get success.

We are free!
We are free to choose the proper program and our 7 steps guide us how!

Go>>   Happiness    Prosperity    Meaning

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