
We insist to be happy and enjoy life

Happiness for us is like the water we need! 

Like we can't live without water – our body mainly consists of water – so we can't live without happiness!
Our real nature is happiness. So happiness is an other of  our inborn rights!
We need joy, fun and all the other forms of happiness like our daily bread!!!!

If we see an unhappy person, we see an ill person.This is everywhere in the world, in all cultures, all religions, all societies.

Religions deal with happiness; they all are in this world only for to show us a way to and – more than this - a way of happiness.

Why then many religious persons are so unhappy? Why then religions are so often the source of unhappiness?
Why then so many persons are unhappy? Why then we are so often unhappy?

The answer is simple! Happiness exists in the Here and Now only … happiness never is in future!!!
As little children most of us were realy happy; we enjoid every moment and we were a source of happiness for our families and all the others around us. - So living happily can't be something we have to learn! It is nothing for what we need rules, technics, special things, knowledge or whatever!!!
Living happily is something that we do out of ourselves as long as we don't have others concepts or aims in mind!


Being happy and enjoying life is our nature!!!
Our 7 steps are a helpfull reminder only!!!

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