12th Week

12th Weekly Thought:


Looking around in this beautifull world we see that all is prospering … and we are a part of this world … and so also we are here to prosper! And prosperity is again one of our inborn rights!!!!!

Prospering means to follow our inner plan and guidance. …

For the sake of all humans and the world!


Creativity is the creative power of our Creator and within us. We are an inseparable part of this whole process - without interruption, without onesidedness, without delay and even without effort!

We do not need religion or philosophy to realise this! It lies open before our eyes! But all religions also convey this realisation; it is even their main message! Unfortunately, for us people today, it is often expressed quite incomprehensibly.

Our life only becomes really alive when we actively participate in it - and that means being creative!

Why then do we not live such a full and fulfilling life all the time? - The answer lies in a function of our mind that constantly compares us; this gives rise to our ego, which then, however, moves into "right and wrong", "good or evil" etc. and we are then trapped in our thought buildings, which often has tragic consequences such as quarrels, war, terror, oppression, destruction; but also causes in us dissatisfaction, insecurity, envy, fear, anger and rage, depression and even life fatigue. All the addictions also have this cause.

The moment we stop judging ourselves, others and the whole world and follow our Inner Voice and Guidance, our Inner Visions and Needs and enter into a selfless exchange with others and the world, we will suddenly be free, happy and alive to the true meaning of our lives.

Our 7 steps help us to walk this path. It works!!!


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