1st Week

1st Weekly Thought:

Freedom and departure

Your life counts !!! We are born to live! We are all born with a powerful seed, a dream - a dream of: Freedom, Happiness, Development and Prosperity, Meaning.                                                       

Living means overcoming our shortcomings to make these dreams come true and share them with others. So please don't dream your life. Go your way! Dreams become visions, visions become goals and goals become steps. You are welcome and needed!


Dear fellows,

this morning I received a post with the song by John Lennon "Imagine" and I could see that this song has always accompanied me since my youth. Yes, back then I was a dreamer!

I remember a conversation with my father about finding a new profession for me; I told him that it was important for me that this profession should also be fun, fulfil me and offer me a good future! - His answer was short and to the point: "You shouldn't even think of such a thing!"

At that time, it wasn't just about a job or a living, it was about goals for my life, because I had just had a total breakdown that had put me in a clinic for 6 months, where I realised that I couldn't go on living the way I had been living and I didn't want to! Sex, drugs, alcohol and rock & roll didn't work for me after all! It was an attempted escape - but not a departure!!!!!

Over the years, I have met many friends and companions who shared this longing for a better life in a better world with me and who could not and would not simply let go of it. We have taken the most different paths, tried out many things and yet it never really worked out! The consequences were confusion, disappointment, bitterness, fears, depression, rejection and despair and sometimes even life fatigue.

However, since I had never given up my longing over all these years, it led me - for the most part unconsciously - on my path after all!

I learned in various 12-step groups that a "programme with steps" is an important tool to stay on the path and to move forward.

In the different religions I learned that behind all the different traditions and dogmas of faith there was something that I was also looking for - but could not really find in them. A Power greater than myself!

Today I know that this is probably the most important point in order not to finally sink into my own swamp - because with all my experiences, insights and convictions, I am still only a limited human being! I can only grow if I grow beyond myself!!!!!

I also learned that in order to grow, it is absolutely necessary to exchange ideas with other people who are also on their quest - not to discuss differences with them (that usually doesn't help much in this context) - but to share experiences, strength and visions together. And the more different these people are - for me it was a gift that I was allowed to come into contact with people from very different cultures, countries and religions - the more I could and can recognise new perspectives and aspects and thus enrich myself and my life!

Today I can share my experiences with others who are still suffering and searching - and I am looking forward to this new year with all your contributions!!!! It is a gift for which I am grateful!!!!

You are welcome with all my heart!!!!

All the best and see you soon!

Your fellow Dieter

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