6th Week

6th Weekly Thought:

Happiness – Humour and Flow

Happiness for us is like the water we need.

Like we can’t live without water – our body mainly consists of water – so we can’t live without happiness!

Our real nature is happiness.


Our lives are in a constant state of change - whether we like it or not! This applies to physical, mental and social areas.

Whenever we freeze, want to hold on to something, are not ready for change, something is blocked - we are sick. Regardless of whether we are consciously aware of it or not.

We are healthy when we maintain and respect this flexibility on a physical as well as on a mental and social level! This state is called flow. We feel this when we feel free, full of energy and happy.

This relationship is also drawn in medicine - both modern and traditional.

In modern medicine it refers to the body fluids including hormones and other messenger substances; in Indian medicine Ayurveda it is called rasa and dosha; the term used for it in Greek-Arabic medicine Unani is akhlat.


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