38th Week

38th Weekly Thought:

The Terror of Arrogance

… now have the tendency to think about ourselves as great and specially blessed and extraordinary. We feel we can do what ever we want and reach whatever we want, we are all powerful, we know all truth … and that only the other human beings are trying to hinder us reaching our goals and that they are the root of all the evil in our life and the world.


After all these years of being manipulated by others, we have finally found our point of view and our way! First of all, we are happy and share this with others.

Then we see and experience the arrogance of others and how they terrorise the people around them on a small or large scale. No matter if it is family members or people at work and also in the circle of friends.

After trying to address this, we usually distance ourselves from these people as best we can.

Then we see the arrogance in politics, economics, philosophy and religion! And how people are oppressed, manipulated and sometimes even terrorised! And if we say something about it, it comes to rejection and, depending on the society, also to direct terror up to death threats! At least they ignore us and exclude us from the community. Some religious communities also threaten us with damnation by God!

As we feel our powerlessness first hand, we may change communities, flee the state or convert to another religion.

These reactions set us free for a relatively short time - but then we feel that the joy and happiness do not really return!

As we have learned to look at ourselves, we slowly but surely notice that we ourselves are now trying to manipulate other people to transform them according to our insights. Some of us have also joined fundamentalist, dictatorial or terrorist organisations - the tendency is something we all feel sometimes, when we think "somehow they are right". So we have become what we wanted to escape!!! It is our ego that drives us to it.

In order to escape the trap, it is necessary that we recognise that we have found OUR truth and OUR path - and that we want to continue on it. But this also means that we let other people find THEIR truth and THEIR path and support them in doing so.

When we have learned this and begin to live it, we suddenly find that joy and happiness return to us and also to the people around us.  We are a part of something much bigger and when we participate and share this with others, we have learned what it is all about!

And for the first time, we ourselves also feel UNCONDITIONALLY LOVED again!!!! And we also begin to love other people, this world and the Eternal Being unconditionally!


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